This year, we didn’t have too far to go to attend the 19th annual meeting and 15th conference of HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity, on 19-21 August 2024. It was held on our home ground, in RCSI. We had the pleasure of hosting leading experts, researchers, policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders from Europe and beyond.

We had the great opportunity to share our MAintAin work with the delegates. On August 20th Dr Stephenson presented “A Behavioural and observational analysis of ‘Be Active with Arthritis’ exercise programme to promote and maintain physical activity (PA) in people with arthritis”. While on 21st August, Prof Suzanne McDonough presented the results of “Maintaining physical activity through the use of digital tools for people with a long-term condition/s: A systematic review ”.

It was a super few days connecting and networking, learning and developing ideas. We are looking forward to HEPA 2025, see you in Lithuania!